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Introductory Methods of Numerical Analysis by S.S. Sastry

 Introductory Methods of Numerical Analysis by S.S. Sastry

Numerical Analysis by S.S. Sastry

Numerical Analysis by S.S. Sastry

This volume contains ten chapters on numerical methods which could be gainfully employed by scientists and engineers to solve the problems arising in research and industry. It also covers the syllabus prescribed for engineering studies at the undergraduate level. An essential feature of the present edition is that it provides information about the readily available computer program packages for implementing the numerical methods described in the book. These include references to MATLAB, IMSL and Numerical Recipes program libraries. Several problems have been set as exercises to illustrate the use of these libraries. Nevertheless, for a better understanding of these methods, the readers are advised to develop their own programs in any computer language of their choice.

More than two decades have elapsed since the first appearance of this book and, quite naturally, there have been many changes in the presentation of the material as also new additions of topics to meet the changing requirements of students in various universities. Thus, topics like curve fitting procedures, cubic spline methods, approximation of functions, numerical solution of integral equations, Graeffe's root-squaring method, weighted least-squares approximations, B-splines, Householder and QR methods, singular value decomposition, shooting method, the ADI method and the finite element method were gradually added to enhance the utility of the book. In the present edition, most sections have been rewritten to provide a better understanding of the topics. Thus the section on cubic splines has been rewritten with the inclusion of linear and quadratic splines, and a new section on surface fitting by cubic splines has been added. Similarly, a new section on Fourier transforms has also been included. The worked examples have been modified, new problems have been introduced and the number of worked examples and homework problems has been significantly increased. This edition therefore contains about 500 problems including the illustrative examples and exercises for homework. Answers have been provided to some selected end-of-chapter exercises.

The author is very much obliged to the students and teachers of various universities who have been using this book during the last several years. Grateful thanks are due to Prof. 1. Chandra Mohan, Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati, for his suggestion to derive the general formulae in predictor- corrector methods in Chapter 7. Any suggestions towards the improve- ment of the book will be gratefully accepted. Special thanks are due to Sri Asoke K. Ghosh, Chairman and Managing Director, Prentice-Hall of India, New Delhi, for his courteous cooperation in bringing out this edition.

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